Vi står overfor en milepæl i profetisk historie. Og de fleste av oss vet ikke så mye om det som skjer. I mer enn hundre år har vi advart verden om den forestående forsoningen mellom protestantene og pavekirken - selv når det var svært få religiøse og politiske antydninger om at dette ville være mulig. I dag er "umuligheten" blitt uunngåelig. I det mange vil karakterisere som hans mest utfordrende og skarpladede bok, gjør Clifford Goldstein rede for et av de største kompromisser av bibelsk sannhet i kirkehistorien.
Om forfatteren:
Clifford, born in Albany, New York, has an apparent passion for writing and
studying, and he is a lover of philosophy. These days Clifford describes his
life as "very boring," but in his younger days, Clifford’s life was anything but
"boring." Nicknamed "Heckle" by friends at the University of Florida for the
colorful verbal assaults he leveled against a certain street preacher, Clifford
was the poster boy for rebellion and philosophical skepticism. When Clifford met
God all that changed, and he began to use his writing talents and his intellect
for God’s glory.
Clifford has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida and a
master’s degree from John Hopkins University. He is married to Kimberly and has
two children, Zachary and Hannah. In addition to writing, Clifford’s passions
are snow-skiing and playing street hockey with his son in front of the White